Tell us about your dreams, your desires... We may surprise you: the Capitani "basic" range is nothing but a starting point from which to create your own style in a completely personal way.
You only have to ask: we can mix shapes, colours, materials and finishings. If you wish, we can make each product even more precious by adding a sign of your way of living the sea: your name, your guests names, a phrase that unites you, or, the name of your boat. The Capitani manufacture is a hand made Italian product.
Bed linen is available as single and/or double sheet and duvet cover. they can be embroided with drawings, words or sentences. Simple hems are usually sewn on the under sheet: if you like, we can add elastic bands or they can be tailor- made, we just need to know the bed size.
Bathroom sets consist of a bathrobe, bath towel, hand and bidet-towel, as well as the matching bathmat. Also for these items, it's up to you to decide colours, trimmings, broidery or drawings




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